Monday, June 25, 2012

To be in the world but not of it

The paradox of seemingly infinite creation and illusion can be understood only by the mind that does not fear the answer. For the answer signifies the end of all that is--as far as we believe we know it. And that seems to be fearful only to that part which is blind and dumb and confused. Let go control and submit to the will of God. Love is your purpose.
When we talk of projection and connection we are talking metaphorically, not literally. If my daughter throws a tantrum, she is not projecting my own frustration and guilt, she is struggling with her own awakening. Where projection comes in is how I perceive (project) her actions. If I see her as throwing a tantrum because she is frustrated by her lack of control, or the unfairness of the world, or whatever, then I am projecting my ego consciousness on her actions. However, if I simply see her actions as a call for love--no matter what she says or does--then I am SEEING THE MIRACLE. I am seeing through the veil into the true nature of God.
Too many on the spiritual path get confused by the onslaught of seemingly endless manifestations of their unrecognized guilt. They blame themselves somehow when things in their environment are not exactly perfect and harmonious. They've gone three-sixty from blaming the world for their suffering to blaming the suffering of the world on their own unresolved issues--and that is an error.
Enlightenment doesn't mean the external physical world changes around you. Enlightenment means you see the external physical world through an unfiltered lens of Christ Consciousness. It means you recognize, no matter what happens, that it's not your fault, it's not that bad, and you are loved.

The truth about life.

Life isn’t exactly how you think it is. 

You think you know how it works, and what you think is partially true, so it is effective, but you don’t know--you can’t possibly know the whole truth, and because of that you find yourself limited. If you only knew, as we do, how wonderful you are, how creative and beautiful and powerful, you would never question your destiny. You would have no fear. And having no fear, you would be practicing at your highest possible frequency, and as such, you would see almost instantaneous manifestation of your desires into your “reality.” 

But you are still finding yourself lacking, and that is an error.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Preference vs Acceptance or Buddhism vs Abraham & Bashar

Buddhism suggests the aim of enlightenment is to do away with preference, wanting, desire, and come into oneness with what is, but channels like Abraham and Bashar seem to contradict that, saying the point of existence is to “follow your excitement” and “fine tune your vortex through preference.”
How can one come to a place of acceptance when one has preferences; one situation over another; one lover over another; one body over another?
Well we have preference. You can not deny that. Would you prefer being smeared with feces to being clean? Answer truthfully. Can you say it does not matter either way?
Okay, so preferences (seem to) exist. But what is it that has preference? Is it the concept I have of my self, or is it my Self itself?
Obviously it is the concept of the self, for only the concept of the self can hold a concept such as cleanliness, or warmth, or even happiness. All concepts stem from the concept of the self, and the point of all spiritual practice is to transcend the concept of the self and arrive at the true essence of Self; you as you are in oneness with God. Only then is the concept of self denied, for only there (in oneness with God) is all-that-is found.
So how do we get there?
One practice is to deny preference and wanting and desire. Another practice is to fine tune preference and wanting and desire. Both are methods for becoming more self aware. You see. Both the channels and Buddhists can be right. Because it’s really about self awareness. And the more self aware we become, the more we realize that the self we are aware of, the concept of self we think we are, can not be the true Self. I could not have been put on this world to desire a Maserati, just as I could not have been put on this world to desire not to have a Maserati, or to be at peace with being smeared with feces. I could not have been put on this world for any purpose, as a matter of fact, because all purpose presupposes the necessity for something to be done, and if this were in fact the Real world, then all things would have be done. So I was not put on this world at all. I simply think I was put on this world, when in fact, I Am this world, this universe, this moment.
The truth is, I can not desire to be more than I am, because I am already all that is. The part that desires more is only a construct of the concept of my self which I hold onto.
In the end, the loss of self is the final key. When we can not know who we are, or what we are doing here, or what we are meant to do--when we can wander through the garden, eating when hungry, sleeping when tired, being at peace because nothing but peace is Real, then we are living in the truth of existence.
But must this come at the cost of all that we think we are? Must we lose our personality, our loved ones, our possessions?
Nothing need be lost. Only everything need be let go.

Monday, June 4, 2012

The Question of Lessons

This is a confusing paradox. On the one hand we need to accept what is--even the bad stuff--and look for the deeper meaning. In that way we learn and grow. Our souls learn and grow and move closer toward awakening. But on the other hand, we have to recognize that “what is” is arbitrary. God is not setting tests for us or asking us to jump through hoops. God simply IS, and is his ISNESS, he knows that we simply ARE also, so he’s not worried. He doesn’t bother with what seems to be going on here because it’s not relevant to WHAT IS; it has already happened, in fact. It’s over. (When I capitalize WHAT IS, I’m referring to the true nature of existence, not the manifest reality of form which we seem to be living in.) 

God is not setting us these challenges, we are. 


Not WE the One Soul. But we the collected individuations of that One Soul, splintered and set adrift (for what reason it does not matter) not unlike the individuals in a pod of sperm on their life journey through the vagina toward enlightenment. Though each sperm is unique, they have all been created by the same One Thought, and though each sperm is unique in appearance (personality), they each share the same goal (purpose) so that when any one of them makes it, they all make it. 

Do you see it? On some level we feel this connection with each other, we know we all want the same thing; our higher selves--though still separate--have an inkling we are asleep and dreaming this dream of separation, and so they choose these different life paths--full of little tests--with the intention of learning enough to eventually awaken the individuated consciousness to the truth of its being: Oneness. And, since this is all happening in an instant, the soul can see what is and isn’t working and choose accordingly. Like choosing a character in a video game. We choose the character--based on our previous experience in the game--that we believe will have the best chance of succeeding (learning the lessons it will need to learn in order to win). 

So then why all the different paths? Why the different tests, the unexpected turns of fate? Why is everyone’s path unique?

Although each soul is an individuated aspect of the whole and as such is made up of the same stuff, each soul is not identical. Try dividing a chicken into equal parts; dark meat, light meat, gizzards, skins, feathers, beak, waddles, fingers, claws, etc. They’re all parts of the chicken and so, in that way, they are all the same--equally of source--but they have their own taste, their own predilections, their own personality if you will. And it is these distributed aspects of being which we see and recognize as archetypes. (I think there are 144, but that’s just a guess.) 

It explains why one soul manifest bravado in every character it chooses, while another manifests meekness, and still another manifests sloth, or cruelty, or vigor, etc.

Left alone playing the game, it might take a very long time for a soul to pick a character and make the proper decisions along that character’s timeline (life) for it to win (awaken). Sure, it would happen eventually. But because of this soul’s predilection for bravado, let’s say, it might imbue even the shyest character too full of the stuff for it to realize the need to choose again (in the game), to choose differently and so come to the crucial moment of awakening before dying and having to go through it all again. 

But the soul is not left alone. Although God does not interfere with our apparent suffering here in the world of form, he does send his messenger, his Spirit: the Holy Spirit in fact.

The Holy Spirit steps in and offers a helping hand. “You’re doing fine, my son, but would you mind if I made a suggestion?” And maybe the soul turns away the first fifty-thousand times, but then on one reiteration the soul accepts. And the Holy Spirit offers, “Was you to play the character of the avant-garde composer with a floundering career in the twenty-first century, I think you might learn the final truth.” And the soul is like: “Okay. Whatever.” And boom. You find yourself here, writing a blog, running an avant-garde music business, raising some kids, and slowly awakening to the heaven that is all around you.

But that’s just the start. Your soul has finally chosen a life path that is well suited to your awakening. Now it’s up to you to recognize that each of your decisions is modifying that path every moment of every day. You had been living in a nightmare reality where the only things certain were death and taxes. You’ve decided there must be more to life than that. You’ve started to search. You have found which ever path suits you best. Now you just have to believe in that path! It’s not about talking the talk, it’s about walking the walk.

The game is really simple once you know the rules. It’s like a maze. You just have to keep making decisions based on Love rather than fear


Truly do that and you will awaken in this lifetime.