Monday, June 25, 2012

To be in the world but not of it

The paradox of seemingly infinite creation and illusion can be understood only by the mind that does not fear the answer. For the answer signifies the end of all that is--as far as we believe we know it. And that seems to be fearful only to that part which is blind and dumb and confused. Let go control and submit to the will of God. Love is your purpose.
When we talk of projection and connection we are talking metaphorically, not literally. If my daughter throws a tantrum, she is not projecting my own frustration and guilt, she is struggling with her own awakening. Where projection comes in is how I perceive (project) her actions. If I see her as throwing a tantrum because she is frustrated by her lack of control, or the unfairness of the world, or whatever, then I am projecting my ego consciousness on her actions. However, if I simply see her actions as a call for love--no matter what she says or does--then I am SEEING THE MIRACLE. I am seeing through the veil into the true nature of God.
Too many on the spiritual path get confused by the onslaught of seemingly endless manifestations of their unrecognized guilt. They blame themselves somehow when things in their environment are not exactly perfect and harmonious. They've gone three-sixty from blaming the world for their suffering to blaming the suffering of the world on their own unresolved issues--and that is an error.
Enlightenment doesn't mean the external physical world changes around you. Enlightenment means you see the external physical world through an unfiltered lens of Christ Consciousness. It means you recognize, no matter what happens, that it's not your fault, it's not that bad, and you are loved.

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